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Spark Market Research tool

Our AI tool streamlines the transcription, data extraction, and analysis of your interviews, helping you gain deeper insights faster.

Spark Features

Functionality You Will Love


Multi lingual - even within the same call

Conversations can move back and forth between common indian languages and the AI can process it with ease. Malayalam, Gujrati, Bengali, Assamese, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi and English are some of the high accuracy languages


Transcriptions or translations?

Audio can be transcribed in the laguages spoken as well as can be translated - for optimal transparency for your research


Multi speaker diarization

Transcribed text can be classified speaker-wise and AI is well equipped to handle multiple speakers in your conversations making it a breeze to process group discussions


Analyse using natural language

Run complex analysis with simple questions across multiple files.

Questions like : " what are the respondents views on 2 wheelers?" or "what are all the features desired by the respondents?"

How it Works

Step 1
Effortless Uploads

Step 2
Faster Transcriptions

Step 3
In-depth Data Extraction

Final Output
Sharable Reports

Upload all the Respondent's Interview Recordings in batches!

Our AI Analyzes Your Data and gives transcriptions - ready for data extraction!

Let the AI extract from a list of preset questions or ask your own questions. Go Wild!

Access and download your own reports for offline viewing or to take it to  the client presentations!


Expedite Your Market Research Interviews with AI-Powered Analysis






Company Name:

500 Terry Francine Street


March 14th, 1984

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